Tuesday 9 February 2010

Turk and Jerk - WoD - 8/2/10

Ballistic warmup

am -

warmup - Bear complex

3 rounds 65lb, 95lb, 105lb

power clean x 6
front squat x 6
push press x 6
back squat x 6

work -

3 x TGU each side
10 x snacthes each arm
250m row

AMRAP 30 mins

pm - Strength 1RM Push Jerk

Stamina - 3 Push Jerk@ 90% 1RM
5 dislocates

Durability - 1 mile run TT
plank holds 4 x 60sec 30 sec rest between

1 comment:

  1. 90 kg on the push jerk - more like a push press
    used 80kg on stamina

    6.42 on the run - will check with the garmin as i think it is 200m shy of the mile
